Be back here every month for a look at the previous month's selections from my show's "Slice of Cheese" segment. If the song is significantly cheesy, there's bound to be a video equally (if not more) so.
At least that's what I normally say. But what with a busy fall and my constant procrastination, I never got around to posting the videos for October, September, or even August. With August handled (scroll down or click on the blog name.... if you can't figure that out go back to reading books), here's a look at what September brought us for fromage.
There's a whole lot of 80's going on this month, with a kick-off from Pepsi & Shirlie: backup singers from WHAM who managed to milk a few more pence out of their dying careers. Here they are on Top of the Pops in 1987. Dig the socks.
Next we have The Flirts, with a dynamic Italo-disco gem from '84, "Danger". No video for this, but groove along anyway. I seem to have a thing for girl groups.
Mid-September saw the return of my "Now & Then" show, with pairs of songs showcasing the progression (or lack thereof) in the careers of different artist. The Slice of Cheese was a double-bill, with the new "Weird" Al Yankovic parody of the T.I. jam "Whatever You Like" (an ironic rumination on the rampant poverty in the good ol' U.S. of A.) paired up with "This Is The Life" from Dare to be Stupid (an ironic rumination on the then-rampant poverty in the good ol' U.S. of A.). This animated video has way too many jokes. Enjoy:
Here we go. Something I can make fun of. Former session musicians Mr. Mister play a private show (for an iguana in a deluxe cage) in an expressionist church while a pretty lady dances in the window. Toss in a few creepy papier maché masks, some divine intervention to set that damn iguana free, and people getting turned into chairs for no reason and you have this:
This next one is the sort of faux-profound video that, these days, would warrant a Kids Help Phone PSA at the end of it. Herein, Corey "Sexy As He Wanna Be" Hart leaves home, presumably because he has an abusive father. How does the video show his father is abusive? It doesn't, except maybe to point out that he looks kind of menacing and has a MOUSTACHE! Flee in terror! Corey trots out in the rain, popped-collared leather jacket and all, hitch-hikes into the BIG CITY, gets pushed around by a tiny line cook, meets some hookers who seem really into him, and generally gawks around like he's never seen public transit or public transience before. Cue the montage of EVERYTHING THAT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED IN THE VIDEO, and a final chorus performance scene, close it off with Corey looking poutily into the camera, and call it a day. Never surrender.
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