Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Today's Tune: Kathleen Edwards - "Empty Threat"

It's interesting that the cover art for folk/country/adult-alt-saviour Kathleen Edwards' new album Voyageur (out today) features the shape of the great lakes. These massive bodies of water spanning a significant (at least in terms of significance) piece of the USA/Canada border could almost be seen as a metaphor for Edwards herself. She is one of the rare artists (and one of the even rarer good artists) who has "crossed over", enjoying success in her homeland and the fallen empire below the 49th alike.

Interesting, too, that in the opening song on the album, the titular "empty threat" is that she is going to move to America. After recording an album this fantastic with somebody as influential right now as Bon Iver (née Justin Vernon), after transforming her already punchy sound into something as ethereal as the memory of her impressive vocal ability after the last note has faded away, she's bound to multiply her cross-border appeal by at least an order of magnitude.

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